its taken 12 months, but finished

December 13th, 2009

3 Responses to “its taken 12 months, but finished”

  1. CS Says:

    Ahh… there’s a book so its official 🙂

  2. LD Says:

    It’s an interesting book too. He is obviously a very talented and creative guy. The book goes into lots of detail on not only the recipes, but how he comes up with ideas, as well as the scientific processes behind the creations.
    Also into detail of the restuarant operations, bookings, ordering, logistics, training, etc etc.

    You are welcome to borrow it if interested.

    Also, this book is great too, if you are interested in the science of food.

  3. CS Says:

    i told my friend about it and he’s been to an off-spin restaurant – a student from this guy actually. And there’s one in Brissie too the Buffalo Club (another student) where they do all this molecular gastronomy!!

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